Ankur અંકુર Patel
Full Stack Ruby on Rails, Frontend Web and native iOS App Developer | Author of "Hands-on Full-Stack Development with Swift"
Rails User Template
Exciting news for Rails developers! Rails 7.1 now offers ActiveModel::SecurePassword, which simplifies the process of implementing a custom User model and authentication system without relying on third-party gems like Devise or Clearance. Check out this Rails template that provides a great starting point for bootstrapping a new Rails application with...
How to make a super simple HTTP server in Swift
Now that Swift is open source you can use it for building command line tools and server side applications. One popular server side application is a HTTP server that serves HTML pages when making a request from the browser. In this blog post, you will learn how to write a...
How to make your own Homekit Enabled Thermostat using Raspberry Pi 3
This guide will walk through how to build a Homekit enabled Thermostat using a Raspberry Pi 3. You can use other Raspberry Pi models but if you do the parts listed below and some of the steps might vary but concept should be the same. Also do this at your...
Indoor Temperature Notification Project
I came across a non profit organization called Sustainable Jersey and they are an organization that provide tools, support and incentives to support communities that pursue sustainable programs. Recently in partnership with AT&T they created a competition to kick start the sustainable movement. They partnered with several townships in NJ...
Easy Decorating in Ruby with SimpleDelegator
Decorating a class is another way of extending the functionality of a class instead of subclassing. In Ruby there is an elegant way to decorate a class using SimpleDelegator.